pay to read

>> Thursday, December 4, 2008

pay to read (ptr) are online programs where you will receive a number of emails with links that you click in exchange for cash or points. the problem with this type of program is that it will take a long time to reach the minimum payout. far longer than pay to click schemes. if it takes a long time to earn enough to receive payout, then why join? personally, i joined for two reasons: exposure and amusement.

exposure because you can have your banners posted on the site without having to actually pay for it. you can get it by exchanging points or if you can win it through games. by having your banners posted, there might be some members of the site that may click on it and join the programs that your a member with.

amusement because i sometimes like the games on the site. i like marvin's room in mentalemails.


dneero time!

do we have the same answers?


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